The Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at UC Berkeley invites you to our annual research symposium:
“Evidence to Action: Promoting Global Development in a Changing Climate"
Thursday, April 25^th, 2013
1:00-5:30 pm
Berkeley City Club (2315 Durant)
The program will highlight important research on the impacts of climate change in developing countries, and the effectiveness of specific climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. We'll discuss policy-based approaches (like incentives for energy-efficient appliances in Mexico) and community-based solutions (like promotion of drought-tolerant rice in India). Tom Steyer, Co-Founding Director of Next Generation, will deliver the keynote speech.
The event is co-hosted by the Energy Institute at Haas, the Clausen Center for International Business & Policy, and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL). For a complete list of speakers and to register, please visit our event page here: http://berkeley.us2.list-
In addition, CEGA (http://berkeley.us2.list-
Evidence to Action: Promoting Global Development in a Changing Climate Symposium
Apr 12, 2013